
Lines & Catheters

AB5a Describe tube types/positions

AB5a Describe  tube typespositions

AB5c Describe tube type/position

AB5c  Describe tube typeposition

AB5ca Type of tube, is position ok

AB5ca Type of tubeis  position ok

AB5cc Type of tube, is position adequate

AB5cc  Type of tube is position adequate

AB5x Wllms a Where is this catheter

AB5x Wllms a Where is this catheter

AB5xa Wllms b Where is this catheter

AB5xa Wllms b Where is this catheter

AB6a Where are these lines/catheters

AB6a Where are these linescatheters

AB7 Type of tube, is position ok

AB7 Type of tube is position ok

AB9ca What kind of line is this, and where

AB9ca Wahy kind of line is this and where

AB16ba Where are these line tips

AB16ba Where are these line tips

AB16bb LAT Where are these line tips

AB16bb LATWhere are these line tips

AB28a Describe all the lines, catheters, foreign matter in or on pt

AB28a Describe all the lines catheters foreign matter in or on pt