Top Sections

Anatomy Modules

Anatomy Modules

Interactive anatomy modules

Interactive resource to learn gross anatomy through correlation with numerous imaging modalities.

Transition to the Wards

Transition to the Wards

Imaging info for the wards.

Basic imaging principles for the wards.

Apps of Steel

Apps of Steel

Guide to radiology residency applications

Want to pursue a residency in radiology?  Here are some important tips!

Radiology Elective

Radiology Elective

Radiology elective resources and documents.

Important resources for students taking the Diagnostic Radiology Elective

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This is the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Horizontal Strand in Diagnostic Imaging educational website. Initially launched for the Johns Hopkins Radiology-Gross Anatomy Collaboration (MS1), it now has expanded to Neuroscience (MS1), Transition To Wards (MS2), PRECEDE for Clerkships (MS2,3,4), Resident joint procedure tutorials, Diagnostic Radiology Elective (MS3, MS4), Residency Match information (MS4), and more. This site is highly driven by the end users; feedback, comments, or suggestions are strongly welcome.