
Cervical Spine

C1a CS LAT How many vertebral bodies must we see on lateral

C1a CS LAT How many vertebral bodies must we see on lateral


C1b CS NL AP How many levels are seen on AP


C1b CS NL AP How many levels are seen on AP


C1baa Which level is C7 and which T1


C1baa Which level is C7 and which T1


C1baaaa 11 yo Which level is C7 and which T1


C1baaaa 11 yo Which level is C7 and which T1


C1baaaa Which level is C7 and which T1


C1baaaa Which level is C7 and which T1


C1baaaab 28 yo Which level is C7 and which T1


C1baaaab 28 yo Which level is C7 and which T1


C1baaac Which level is C7 and which T1


C1baaac Which level is C7 and which T1


C6c Position of this it adequate visualization


C6c Position of this lateralis it adequate visualization


C6ca Same patient what is position and what changes


C6ca Same patient what is position and what changes


C6cb Same patient what is position and what changes


C6cb Same patient what is position and what changes