
Requesting Imaging Studies

Donna Magid, MD, M.Ed

One does not ‘order’ an exam, one requests a consultation from a Radiologist. The actual process of inputting a request, either on-line through Physician Order Entry (POE), Epic, or via the fax forms on the floor, is subject to constant change; therefore showing you the actual mechanics will be left up to the individual floors and services. In the same vein, many studies—especially after 5 PM or on weekends—must be approved in direct discussion with the relevant Radiologist. Again, the array of timetables and phone numbers—where to call until 5 PM, where to call nights and weekends, which subspecialty service, who is on call—is confusing and in constant flux.


Basic Principles and Introduction to Chest Radiographs

Basic Radiology Module
 revised 2018 D. Magid MD M.Ed

1st version Kopal Kulkarni MS IV and Donna Magid MD, M.Ed 2011

Requesting an imaging study

While giving a brilliant patient presentation on rounds, you mention that your patient would benefit from getting diagnostic imaging. The resident says, “Great, go for it.” Now what?